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What is in our Reading,Writing and Me learning pack?

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Dear parents,

Have you ever wondered how to teach your child to read and spell high-frequency words? We have just released this learning pack that will guide your child to learn to read, spell and use these high-frequency words in their writing.

This learning set is filled with hands-on activities and writing opportunities, designed to help your child learn these high-frequency words through phonetics.

What are high-frequency words?

High-frequency words, also known as sight words or common words, are words that appear frequently in written texts.

What is the difference between high-frequency words and sight words?

It took me a while to understand these two terms too and it is not uncommon that parents and even teachers to get confused between these two.

Sight words, on the other hand, specifically refer to words that are recognized instantly by sight, without the need for decoding or sounding out.

What lists should be used when teaching high-frequency words?

Dolch Word List: The Dolch Word List is a compilation of sight words created by Edward William Dolch. It consists of frequently used words that are not easily decodable, divided into different levels (pre-primer, primer, first grade, second grade, and third grade). The Dolch Word List is widely used in early reading instruction.

Fry Word List: The Fry Word List, developed by Edward B. Fry, includes the most frequently used words in the English language. These words are arranged in order of frequency and are divided into different levels (from the first 100 to 1,000 most common words). The Fry Word List is commonly used in reading programs and curriculum.

So which lists should we use?

In my opinion, there is no right or wrong. However, I would like to share that I am using the Logic Of English list of high-frequency words to create engaging and fun learning activities for my 5-year-old at home.

What is included in this course learning pack?

1)There are a total of 55 pages, which include hands-on learning activities and writing opportunities for the words learned.

2) By the end of this course, your child will be able to read, spell and form sentences with these words.

3) A short video that will guide you with Phonics! We hope that this will be useful for you in your home learning journey!

Here are some examples of the hands-on learning activities that will guide your child in reading the high-frequency words!

You may download our learning activities here,

Unit 6 & 7 Reading and Me Unit is part of the Vowel Team , "ee/ea" learning resources.


Thank you and let's journey in this together!




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